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Space Technologies Artificial Intelligence and Fusion Energy Are Preparing to Open a New Era for Humanity

Although it is not always reflected in the media, there is actually a lot of intensive R&D work being done in the world, and the countries that are leading in this regard have made serious progress in space technologies, artificial intelligence, and fusion energy by allocating huge budgets. These 3 technologies that will provide control of the future, will also be able to redesign the world by 2030 and can make a significant, everlasting impact. So how ready are we for this?

Advances in Space Technology in the 21st Century

For example, in my previous articles, I wrote that 2030 is the target for establishing a base on the Moon and that the USA, Russia, UK, China, and India are in a race in this regard. It is expected that especially valuable elements such as Helium 3 found on the Moon will take up an important place in the world’s energy production. We can say that China, which has a comprehensive geological map of the Moon, is ahead in this regard. USA is pushing for the moon with all its might through NASA Artemis Moon Program, which also encompasses the private sector and big companies such as SpaceX and Boeing. The Artemis Handbook explains this in detail and can be accessed here. Of course, Elon Musk’s idea of ​​landing on Mars and establishing a colony in 2035 should also be kept in mind. There have been numerous companies formed in the USA and Europe for the purposes of space mining and space resources. It seems with these significant changes taking place, the Moon will become the cradle of human exploration by 2030 and will be used as a stepping stone to Mars and beyond by 2035. All of these space programs promise to allow humanity to expand to our solar system and beyond by 2040. Moreover, NASA plans to launch its first interstellar mission in 2069, so within the 21st century, the human race may expand to the stars.

Advances in Artificial Intelligence in the 21st Century

Another very important development is in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Many companies including Google, IBM, Microsoft are working on very advanced AI solutions. Although people think of Artificial Intelligence as just ChatGPT, it has actually gone far beyond that. Artificial intelligence can diagnose serious health problems such as cancer and heart disease early by analyzing medical imaging data. In addition, the use of Artificial Intelligence in drug discovery and development processes is rapidly increasing. Artificial intelligence driverless vehicles have the potential to reduce traffic accidents and increase efficiency in transportation. Companies such as Tesla and Google are extensively working in this field. In addition, artificial intelligence drones are used in agriculture, logistics, and emergency interventions. Robots can play important roles in production lines, in-home services, and the healthcare sector. In another 10 years, Data and Knowledge will be considered the new oil, and Artificial Intelligence will create incredible value ​​by processing this data. Big data analytics can take customer experience to the next level by enabling more informed decisions in the business world and providing personalized services. This will change market dynamics and lead to the emergence of new business models. Smart homes, cities, and transportation systems will be optimized with Artificial Intelligence and will increase living standards. In about another 10 years, the collaboration between humans and machines seems to have the potential to create a new way of life. The country that is currently at the forefront of artificial intelligence is easily the USA, followed by India. Of course, the questions related to problems with AI will also continue be asked during these developments.

Advances in Fusion Energy in the 21st Century

Fusion Energy is also a very important technology that can change the course of humanity. Fusion energy is a process that takes place in the hearts of stars and is the energy source of the universe. We can say that this process, which provides the light and heat of the Sun and other stars, is in its final stages to be offered to humanity as a clean, safe, and almost unlimited energy source on Earth as Fusion Energy doesn’t lead to global warming and is free from many of the dangerous effects of fission energy. Recent developments in fusion energy can bring with it a series of innovations and transformations that will radically change humanity. Fusion energy works with fuels that can be obtained from seawater (deuterium and tritium), and these resources are almost unlimited. Fusion reactors offer an energy revolution that will leave problems such as the depletion of fossil fuels or climate change behind. Countries will achieve energy independence and reduce their dependence on energy imports, which will radically change geopolitical balances. The decrease in energy production costs will accelerate economic growth and open the door to new industrial revolutions. A more efficient and sustainable economy will emerge in every field, from industrial production to agriculture, from transportation systems to domestic energy use. Fusion energy can produce energy with almost no carbon emissions. This will be a revolutionary step in the fight against global warming and climate change. Air quality will improve, natural resources will be protected, and biodiversity will be enriched. Fusion energy has the potential to become an energy source that every country and society can access. Thus, energy poverty will end, all humanity will be able to reach higher living standards, and a more equitable world order will be provided in terms of access to energy. Cities will become smarter and more sustainable with the renewal of their energy infrastructures. Rural areas will be revitalized economically and socially by providing easier access to energy. Fusion energy, combined with renewable energy technologies, will ensure that living spaces are more livable and environmentally friendly. We can say that China is the country leading the way in fusion energy right now, followed by the USA. The UK is also working on this issue with their own design.

Better Civilization With Space Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, and Fusion Energy

In other words, the trio of space technologies, artificial intelligence, and fusion energy has the potential to change humanity very seriously in the next 10 years. Of course, not every country will have these opportunities at the same time, and countries with high levels of R&D in these three areas will be in a more advantageous position. It is imperative that this is seriously discussed in state institutions, universities, and the private sector, forums are held on this issue, and high-level work is carried out on this issue with the support of the world community. Yes, even if all these concepts seem futuristic due to the current economic crisis and difficulties, it is the duty of all of us to provide our children and grandchildren with a technologically advanced and scientific infrastructure that is suitable for the concerns and needs of the future, otherwise, even if we save today, we may completely lose our future.

Prof. Dr. Ugur GUVEN
Aerospace Engineer & Nuclear Engineer


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